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RevelDigital REST API

Provides REST based access to your RevelDigital account.


See our Swagger or Postman websites for interactive documentation.

Getting Started

API Endpoint

All API access originates from



A valid API key is required for each request. API keys are available in your Revel Digital account under Account > Developer API.

There are three methods of authentication available including:

  • Query Parameter

The api_key can be included in a query string parameter and shoud be included in each request.

$curl -i<your key here>
  • Header (More Secure)

To use header based authentication, include the X-RevelDigital-API: <your key here> header value.

  • OAuth 2.0 (Most secure)

OAuth is a standard protocol for the exchange of an authorization token. This method requires a user login rather than an API key.


Users must be assigned to the API role in order to access the API programatically.

Use the following for configuration of your OAuth client:

Client ID: RevelDigital
Requried scope: webapi
Well known endpoint:
Data Format

All data with the exception of media uploads is in JSON format. This includes POST body data. Request headers should include the following to specify JSON as the content type.

Content-Type: application/json

Timestamps are returned in ISO 8601 format:

Cross Origin Resource Sharing

The API supports Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) for AJAX requests. You can read the CORS W3C working draft, or this intro from the HTML5 Security Guide.


Interactive API documentation provided by Swagger


The Revel Digital API is also available on Postman here: